Welcome to the dungeon called Newgrounds.
I hope that you achieve your goals. I'm sure they can do it.
if you want, you can exchange ideas with other artists and learn/inspire new, helpful things for your project
Chill digital artist from the 90’s~!
My main dream right now is to create my own comic; "My Friend My Beloved" as I call it <3
MORE OF ME IN HERE: https://beacons.ai/tatara_arts
Joined on 11/11/22
Welcome to the dungeon called Newgrounds.
I hope that you achieve your goals. I'm sure they can do it.
if you want, you can exchange ideas with other artists and learn/inspire new, helpful things for your project
Thank you for the warm welcome and encouragement~!
Have to take a closer look around the community~
Welcome to Newgrounds, Tuua. I hope you have some fun here in the art community it's pretty chill here. Also sorry for the utter shit show that was both of those sites, good luck on your comic.
Aww Thank you!~
Exited to get to know this community better~